Power boilers are crucial for electricity generation,producing high-pressure steam to drive turbines and generate electricity efficiently.They operate at elevated temperatures and pressures,utilizing various fuel sources such as coal,natural gas, or biomass. Stringent safety measures ensure their safe operation,while ongoing advancements aim to minimize environmental impact through cleaner combustion technologies.


Process boilers play a crucial role in industrial settings,providing steam for heating,sterilization, and chemical processes.Unlike power boilers,they operate at lower pressures and temperatures, tailored to the specific requirements of industrial applications.Adhering to safety regulations, process boilers are designed for efficiency and reliability,supporting continuous operations across various sectors such as manufacturing, food processing, and pharmaceuticals.
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Air Pollution Control


ESP stands for Electrostatic Precipitator. This is a critical component for controlling air pollution. An ESP acts like a filter, specifically designed to target fine particles such as dust and smoke. These particles are a byproduct of the combustion process that happens within a boiler. There are several advantages to using an ESP in a boiler system. The most significant benefit is the reduction of harmful emissions. By capturing these fine particles, ESPs significantly contribute to cleaner air. This is especially important for ensuring boilers comply with air quality regulations. Another advantage is that ESPs are versatile. They function effectively with a variety of boiler fuels, including coal, oil, and even biomass. We have implemented numerous ESP across various plants, catering to both small and large-scale operations. For instance, in a 15 TPH boiler plant, we installed three field ESP units, optimizing the particulate matter filtration process. Conversely, for larger-scale operations like a 90 TPH plant, we engineered four-field ESP configurations, enhancing efficiency and ensuring stringent emission control standards are met.


  • Power capacity: 5–600 MW
  • Gas temperature: Up to 350°C
  • Gas flow rate: 5–1500 m3/sec
  • Dust loading at ESP inlet: As per the site
  • Emission at ESP outlet: (<)10 mg/Nm3
  • Efficiency: 99.99%

A bag filter is an industrial air pollution control device used in steam boiler houses to reduce pollutants like sulfur dioxide in the air. Bag filters are effective at filtering flue gases by separating and collecting particles at the bottom. The flue gas then passes through the outlet, while the hazardous particles are disposed of. This helps to improve air quality and reduce the risk of respiratory problems and other health effects associated with exposure. Bag filters can also help to protect boiler components from damage. Bag filters can be made of woven or felted cotton, synthetic or glass fiber, and come in either a tube or envelope shape. There are many different types of bag filters, including Shakers, Reverse Air, and Pulse Jet types. The Pulse Jet type is considered the most promising type and consists of a four-sided hollow metallic body that is conical at the downside. It also has a vertical squirrel cage type arrangement for supporting and holding the filter bags.


  • Airflow: 1–1200 m3/sec or CFM
  • Filtration: Up to 1 micron
  • Inlet temperature: Up to 259°C
  • Dust removal efficiency: 99.99%

MDC stands for Multiclone Dust Collector, which is a low-cost piece of equipment that can help reduce emissions in biomass boilers, cement and lime kilns, and other applications. MDCs are a series of cyclones that work in parallel to separate particles from the air as it flows through the draft system. They can remove 85% of boiler exhaust particulates, collect char for re-injection systems, pre-clean air to minimize erosion, and reduce load on downstream APC equipment. MDCs operate on the same principle as cyclones, creating a main downward vortex and an ascending inner vortex. They are more efficient than single cyclones because they are longer and smaller in diameter. The longer length provides longer residence time while the smaller diameter creates greater centrifugal force, resulting in better separation and dust particulates.


  • Capacity: Flexible
  • Pressure drop: 400 -600 Pa
  • Efficiency: > 85% & 15 µm Particle diameter
  • Operation temperature:(<)3500C< /li>
Spare Pressure Parts Of Various Make And Design:

  • Air heaters
  • Desuperheaters
  • Boiler tubes
  • Drums and headers
  • Economizer sections
  • Feedwater bypass and piping
  • Furnace panels
  • High pressure steam piping
  • Primary and secondary superheater platen and headers
  • Swaged, studded and bifurcated tubes
  • Waterwall panels & partial panels
  • Radiant superheaters
  • Condensation Superheater
Supply Of Boiler Non Pressure Parts:
  • Boiler casing
  • Steel structure
  • Bypass system
  • Chimney
  • FD fan
  • Dust collector
  • Feeders
  • Pipe support
  • Air Nozzle

About Fuels


RDF processed form of municipal solid waste that offers an interesting alternative to traditional boiler fuels.There are two major benefits to using RDF in boilers. First, it helps divert waste from landfills. Landfills are not only a major source of environmental concern, but their capacity is also finite. By using RDF as a fuel source, we can reduce our reliance on landfills and promote a more sustainable waste management approach. Second, RDF offers a source of renewable energy. Unlike fossil fuels which take millions of years to form, the waste materials used in RDF are constantly being replenished. This helps reduce our dependence on traditional fuels and contributes to a more sustainable energy mix. In conclusion, RDF in boilers presents a promising solution for waste management and renewable energy generation. While it requires specialized boiler systems and careful operational considerations, RDF offers a compelling path towards a more sustainable future.


  • Calorific value: Should be greater than 3000 kcal/kg
  • Ash content: Should be less than 35%
  • Volatile matter: Should be around 20% of recent coal
  • Ash fusion temperature: Should be higher than coal
  • RDF composition: Should be no more than 5% by weight
  • Particulate: Should be 80 mg/Nm3
  • Humidity level: Should be less than 20%
Fuel Type     Renewable Emmissions Energy Density Availability Handling Processing
RDF Yes Moderate Variable High Complex
Bagasse Yes Low Low Regional Seasonal
Rice Husk Yes Low LOW Regional High Ash Content
Wood Chips Yes Low Moderate High Moisture Variability
Coal No High High High Standard

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